South Australia


Artemis House

Adelaide, Aldgate

PHONE: 0416 473 163
EMAIL: artemis(at)she-awakening(dot)com(dot)au
WEBSITE: www.yourbodyyourtemple.com.au

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Since 2004 I have been running my own practice in various massage and bodywork modalities and am a qualified Doula (Birth Attendant). As well as using bodywork to support and nourish women though life’s many challenges, I am passionate about supporting women and girls through important times in their life and rites of passage. My bodywork practice is in Kensington Park and I host the Adelaide Hills Moon Lodge in a 7m yurt on my property in Aldgate. This is for womens’ gatherings and for Celebration Day for Girls.

Melissa Hellwig

Adelaide, Regional South Australia

PHONE: 0428 685 017
EMAIL: fmrahellwig(at)bigpond(dot)com

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I’m thrilled to be able to offer Celebration Day for Girls workshops for mothers and their daughters. My own daughter experienced her own precious rite-of-passage process some years ago & it serves her extremely well as she navigates her way as a young adult.

My long-ago professional background was in environmental management. Women’s work is closely related – it’s my understanding that the Earth will only be restored ecologically with the simultaneous restoration of a balanced feminine/masculine world.

In recent years I have been teaching yoga, facilitating rites-of- passage retreats in Bali (with Step into Womanhood), hosting women’s healing circles and studying ecotherapy. I also create ephemeral art works and nature mandalas. Additionally, I am sometimes called to teach adult sustainability education programs. I am based in Adelaide and can travel to rural/regional SA if required.

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