01 Oct Canada

Amanda Burke
Vancouver, British Colombia
PH: (778) 288-8710
EMAIL: atburke333(at)gmail(dot)com
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I am a free-spirited woman that enjoys being outside, spending time with loved ones (including animals), dancing, and learning languages and everything to do with wombs! I was born and raised in Canada but I am of Spanish, Irish and English descent.
I began working with children in 2008 as a summer day camp counsellor, and continued to work with children in after-school care throughout the year. In 2013, I received a diploma in child and youth care and started working with children and youth of all ages (including infants) in a variety of different settings, such as schools, group homes and treatment centers. I started to work more closely with Canadian Indigenous people in 2015, as it is important to me to give this land love and respect, and to work with the people of the land to heal colonial trauma.
My personal journey with my womb began in 2016. I read Wild Feminineby Tami Lynn Kent and learned about Holistic Pelvic Care. I found a practitioner in Vancouver Island and began working with her to sort through many of the physical and emotional issues I was carrying in my womb. I felt hungry to learn more about the physical, emotional, and spiritual parts of our womb so I continued to read more, take online classes, and I eventually found Jane Bennett and all the work she was doing in this area. It has opened up an entire new world for me, and a new passion to work with girls and women to connect more to their own wombs and cyclical nature. I look forward to sharing this journey with you!

Kathy Dayanara Milla
Winnipeg, Manitoba
PH: (204) 558-1172
EMAIL: kathy.milla(at)protonmail(dot)com
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I have years of work experience as a Human Resources Professional, with a recent focus in training as a Workplace Investigation Specialist. I currently hold the internationally recognized designation of Senior Certified Professional with the Society for Human Resources Management head quartered in the United States. I have worked in various sectors including Oil. and Gas, Telecommunications, Healthcare, Non-Profits and Faith Based Organizations. I also have over a decade of professional experience as a Crisis and Suicide Intervention Counsellor and over the years I have worked with many demographics of vulnerable persons using a trauma informed approach. Lastly, I’m trained as a women’s group facilitator. In the last decade I have connected with the power of living in harmony with natural cycles as a pathway to achieving a rich, fulfilling, balanced and healthy life. For me, this has been particularly evident in my relationship with my menstrual cycle. Training as a CDG Facilitator has been a wonderful blessing in my life and it is my desire to share this with mothers and daughters as a way of promoting healthy bonding, passing down practical knowledge that honours the female physical, emotional and spiritual nature, and cultivating grace and empowerment from one generation to another. The CDG workshop promotes a shift from menstrual shame, secrecy and stigma to menstrual wellness, which benefits not only the mother and daughter relationship, but that of the entire family unit.

Grace Funk
Steinbach, South-East Manitoba
PH: +1 204 408 1778
WEBSITE: www.priestessyourlife.com
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It was my experience of my first pregnancy and birth that woke me up to the power of my womb and body, and it was this same child who brought me to this CDfG work, as she approached menarche and I knew I wanted to honour it consciously in a way that would counter-balance the silence and aloneness that was my experience of this rite-of-passage.
In 2017 I completed a four-year apprenticeship with the School of Shamanic Womancraft, where I was profoundly awakened to the effects of the menstrual taboo and the significance cultural imprinting that occurs at our rites of passage of birth, menarche, childbirth, menopause, death, and more.
My work involves working with cycles – whether the menstrual cycle, the lunar cycle, the seasonal cycle or the life cycle. These patterns of motion and experience offer profound guidance as to how to live healthily and joyfully.
I am the creator of the Cyclical Wisdom Journal, a powerful self-awareness tool and practice that helps you journey with these cycles over the course of the year, and harness the power of your intention.
I also offer one-on-one Cyclical Mentoring sessions, run workshops and hold circles, as well as create e-courses and other content to help people gain perspective on their lives through the invaluable lens of these multiple embodied cycles.
I am devoted to transformation, which is why I love CDfG, because it is truly transformational work, setting girls on a path of confidence, self-respect and power – exactly what the world needs now!

Rachel Pilgrim
Trainer and coordinator
Vancouver, BC
Guildford, VIC, Australia
PH: +613 430 450 967
EMAIL: rachel.pilgrim(at)yahoo(dot)com
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I have qualifications in science, photography and yoga, and merge these together as an artist, gardener and overall lover of life. I have studied and lived in Yoga ashrams in Australia and India, and continue an ongoing practice in my own life.
For many years I have been drawn to deeply explore my own experience of being a woman. This journey accelerated with the pregnancy and birth of my first child in 2008. I have had many years involvement in women’s work: gathering and sharing in circles and exploring deeply what it is and what it means to be a woman. Through this, and through charting my own menstrual cycles, I have come to know first hand the positive impact and profound changes that come from tuning into ones own body. I feel a great sense of wholeness and connection when I observe nature’s cycles.
I am passionate about working with women and girls to support a healthy relationship with their bodies and menstrual cycles, and believe this work is imperative for young girls growing up in a culture where women are increasingly objectified and sexualised in the media.
A Celebration Day for Girls introduces girls to the next stage of womanhood in a beautiful, gentle and positive way, connecting them with each other and strengthening their mother-daughter relationship. I am excited to be offering this wonderful program to the families in my community, and welcome your questions, expressions of interest and, of course, registrations.
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