18 Jul Italy

Gaia Mureda
Bolzano, South Tyrol
EMAIL: gaiamureda(at)yahoo(dot)com
PHONE: +39 3405 263 088
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My name is Gaia, I am a midwife and a sexual educator. In the last years I have focused my work on menstrual education for young girls and adult women. I see the menstrual cycle as an incredible recource for women. That’s why it fills my heart with joy to get young girls and women closer to this innate power.
Mi chiamo Gaia e sono un’ostetrica e un’educatrice sessuale. Duranti gli ultimi hanno mi sono specializzata in educazione mestruale per giovani ragazze e donne. Vivo il ciclo mestruale come un incredibile risorsa e mi riempie di gioia poter avvicinare giovani ragazze e donne a questa forza innata.
Mein Name ist Gaia, ich bin Hebamme und Sexualpädagogin. Seit einigen Jahren liegt der Schwerpunkt meiner Arbeit in der Menstratuionspädagogik. Ich sehe den Menstruationszyklus als eine unglaubliche Ressource für uns Frauen und es freut mich daher sehr, eine Begleiterin junger Mädchen und Frauen auf dem Weg zu ihrer inneren Kraftquelle zu sein.

Milena Da Forno
Venice, Italy
EMAIL: milena.daforno(at)gmail(dot)com
PHONE: +39.329.7505044
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I’m Milena. I’m a teacher of foreign languages, and mother of three children. I love the world of teens and preteens: I love the way they bloom like flowers and their energy that is similar to fire. I think that if women knew better about their menstrual cycle since when they were girl, they would be able to live better in their own body and in their own space in the world. I believe that living one’s menstrual cycle together with uplifting thoughts, a path could start for a better knowledge of self, of one’s own feminine and the power that women have inside their self. I am delighted to offer Celebration Day for Girls in my community and help make this important positive difference for girls growing up.

Laura Tonello
Trento, Trentino–Alto Adige
EMAIL: latonello(at)gmail(dot)com
PHONE: +39 348 9212552
WEBSITE: www.acquacheballa.it
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Laura Tonello is a translator and a womb yoga instructor with a degree in theology and a diploma in sex education. She is mother to three sons, and lives in the north of her native Italy. Currently she works in collaboration with the “L’Acqua che Balla” (Dancing Water) Association in Trento (www.acquacheballa.it).
In addition to her work, Laura organises and manages regular seminars and events on self-empowerment for women, promoting self-awareness through deeper understanding of the menstrual cycle as well as leading weekly classes in pregnancy yoga.
Laura trained as a pregnancy yoga teacher with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli. In collaboration with Jane Bennett, Laura completed her program for mothers and daughters on the passage into puberty marked by the onset of menstruation (menarche): A Celebration Day for Girls. Laura was also one of the first intake of women to complete Alexandra Pope’s pioneering “Women’s Quest, Women’s Leadership Apprenticeship Training”, a programme of feminine empowerment through awareness of the menstrual cycle.
Laura has also created a nine-month program called “Cerchio Rosso” (Red Circle), which she runs regularly in Italy to promote the practice of the female cyclic nature based on the awareness of the menstrual cycle.
Throughout her career, Laura has continued to deepen her understanding and practice of yoga, meditation and psychotherapy. This has led her to offer regular classes of Womb Yoga for women, Celebration Day for Girls workshops with mothers and daughters and the Menarche Ritual as one-day workshop for women.

Sara Spiazzi
Verona, Veneto
EMAIL: sarettasdress(at)hotmail(dot)it
PHONE: +39 3467 301 293
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I run DharmaOM, an holistic centre in Pescantina, Verona, welcoming women of all stages of life and offering them tools for well-being and explore their womenhood. I offer well women yoga, pregnancy and birth yoga classes, yoga nidra sessions and women circles promoting menstrual awareness. I’m now delighted to close the circle offering Celebration Day for Girl to mums, carers and their daughters.
Sara Spiazzi ha fondato DharmaOM centro olistico a Pescantina. Accoglie donne di ogni età offrendo strumenti per il benessere e la cura di sè, insegna yoga per la donna, yoga in gravidanza e dopo parto, yoga nidra, tiene cerchi di donne per diffondere la consapevolezza della mestrualità e offre accompagnamento per madri e figlie al passaggio del menarca.
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