

Inge Scott


St Marys, Tasmania

PH: +61 400 592 422
EMAIL: spicedoutales(at)gmail(dot)com

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Being a mother to three beautifully-natured home-learners and wife to an amazing man, I have surely been trusted intuitively for a most humbling and rewarding occupation.

All my life I have been very passionate about promoting a harmonious relationship firstly and consciously with oneself; encouraging family bonding; nurturing a balanced life; embracing diversity in cultures and ethnics; and holistic connection through meditation to attain a content, kind and compassionate state of being.

I left my career as an account and management advisor for foreign companies when I fell pregnant with my second child (first daughter). Since 2007 I have operated a home-based business producing beautiful personal care products and qualified as a master of Reiki. I also run workshops on how to make tofu and tempe, Batik, and HYO (heal your own) workshops on Ayurvedic methods. I volunteered teaching Indonesian language and culture at local schools and visiting the elderly in a residential care home when I lived in Gippsland, Victoria over several years.

My family and I now live in Tasmania and I am so much looking forward to offering Celebration Day for Girls here, as well as returning to Gippsland regularly for this purpose. I am so grateful to be part of the Celebration Day for Girls community, to help create positive experiences for girls with their first menarche, and I treasure the honour of carrying on this well-established work created by Jane Bennett.


I also offer Fathers Celebrating Daughters workshops.

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